How to build a Sass in 2023?
Sometimes, it can be challenging to determine which tools are suitable for building a SaaS or MVP. Here is a list of tools that you can use or try out in 2023. These tools are highly beneficial and widely appreciated by many developers.
- Web Framework: Next.js
- UI & Component Library: Shadcn/ui and radix.ui
- Styling: TailwindCSS
- Charts: Tinybird and Tremor
- Database: PlanetScale or Supabase
- Emails: Resend
- Payments: Stripe
- Auth: NextAuth.js
- Deployment: Vercel
- Blogging: Hashnode
- E2E:
This list was inspired by a tweet posted on Twitter by Steven Trey
If you're building a SaaS in 2023: ◆ framework: @nextjs ◆ ui: @shadcn/ui + @tailwindcss ◆ redis/queues: @upstash ◆ charts: @tinybirdco + @tremorlabs ◆ db: @planetscale ◆ emails: @resendlabs ◆ payments: @stripe ◆ SAML: @boxyhq ◆ deployment: @vercel What did I miss?
I hope you discover some useful tools that you can utilize for your next project from this list. I may include more detailed articles about some of these tools soon, so stay tuned!